Sunday, June 22, 2008

Preparing for a (Possible) Disaster

Being a student of history I realized sometime ago that upheavals in the world are never the result of just one thing.

WWI the Great Depression or WWII and so on, when you look at these events in history
(time giving us distance), you see that these calamities are the result of a chain of events.
I have a feeling the same thing is happening now.
We ALL are on the cusp of something about to happen that will change our lives and world.

The sub prime housing/ stock market crisis, oil prices, peak oil, prices for food, the floods in the Mid West (which will affect food prices). The drought in Australia and California farming areas, food prices again... The growing demand for energy from the developing world, the changes in the weather and the growing Mid East problem all seem to be moving to a point.

I am sure that I am not the only one who see’s this. I know I am not the only one who has and will speak about it.

I have a good long time friend who works at a major bank here in the South East.
I related the trends that I was observing and then the story of the TV press conference with President Bush that happened some weeks ago, in which a reporter asked Bush if he had heard that gasoline prices may be 4 dollars a gallon by this summer. Bush replied “no” that he had not heard that.

My friend replied and I paraphrase him here,
"If you want to boil a frog you put the frog in a pot of cool water and turn up the heat slowly that way it won’t jump out".

His analogy being that (we) are the frogs and (we) are being prepared for the hot water to come.
Put a better way so we don’t have a national spasm and all hell breaks loose.
Our leaders know it’s going to be bad. How bad it will be, who knows?

My buddy went on to tell me that September and or October this year would be key months in which a market adjustments were likely to occur. In which direction he said no one knew.

What can we do about it? Prepare and be ready, pray and hope.
I have looked at advice from many different sources on preparing for this or any calamitous possibility.
I can only advise that you do the same. There are many sites on the web that offer advice. Survival Blog is one of the best for my purposes.

From a financial stand point I am staying as liquid (cash on hand) as I can, paying off my debts and stocking up on items I feel my family will need.

I can not, nor will I give direct advice about preparation for a possible bad time to come, except to say look at your own situation search your heart and decide what YOU SHOULD DO FOR YOU AND YOUR FAMILY.

I hope it never happens (like Y2K). I hope that in the end I will have some cash saved, some debt’s paid off sooner than expected, and a full pantry.


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