Thursday, August 14, 2008

Bread and Circus 2008

John Edwards,off shore drilling, swift boating Obama, Fox News.
People are crazy stupid. The whole world is turning and burning and seemingly the nations mind is glued to things that don't matter. They are tossed bread and circus, sit back and watch the show. No one seems to want to check the facts anymore about whats being said. Rush said it well it must be true. We report it you decide. Its just nuts. I fear for our future. Wake up people take an hour a day and educate yourselves to whats going on.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

John Edwards Cheats

John Edwards Cheated on his wife.

Who cares? The whole world is on fire and this becomes the story of the moment?
But then thats probubly why the worlds on fire in the firt place.
FOX News has been best at throwing out the bread of distraction. But in this instance everyone seems to jump on board the train.

Edwards admmited it, has asked for forgiveness, lets get back to the real problems of the world people.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Expiration Dates on Products- June 29,2008

Expiration Dates on Products

I was at several different drug stores and a Wal Mart last night and found that the expiration dates on many of the product that I was going to buy were less than a year!
I had to pass up buying some thing's all together due to the expiration date being only six months away.
The shelves were not being re-stocked with new product.

The Wal mart was a little better but I had to dig through each section of products to find one that would last a year or longer.

So check the expiration date on your entire over the counter drug purchases.


Sunday, June 22, 2008

Preparing for a (Possible) Disaster

Being a student of history I realized sometime ago that upheavals in the world are never the result of just one thing.

WWI the Great Depression or WWII and so on, when you look at these events in history
(time giving us distance), you see that these calamities are the result of a chain of events.
I have a feeling the same thing is happening now.
We ALL are on the cusp of something about to happen that will change our lives and world.

The sub prime housing/ stock market crisis, oil prices, peak oil, prices for food, the floods in the Mid West (which will affect food prices). The drought in Australia and California farming areas, food prices again... The growing demand for energy from the developing world, the changes in the weather and the growing Mid East problem all seem to be moving to a point.

I am sure that I am not the only one who see’s this. I know I am not the only one who has and will speak about it.

I have a good long time friend who works at a major bank here in the South East.
I related the trends that I was observing and then the story of the TV press conference with President Bush that happened some weeks ago, in which a reporter asked Bush if he had heard that gasoline prices may be 4 dollars a gallon by this summer. Bush replied “no” that he had not heard that.

My friend replied and I paraphrase him here,
"If you want to boil a frog you put the frog in a pot of cool water and turn up the heat slowly that way it won’t jump out".

His analogy being that (we) are the frogs and (we) are being prepared for the hot water to come.
Put a better way so we don’t have a national spasm and all hell breaks loose.
Our leaders know it’s going to be bad. How bad it will be, who knows?

My buddy went on to tell me that September and or October this year would be key months in which a market adjustments were likely to occur. In which direction he said no one knew.

What can we do about it? Prepare and be ready, pray and hope.
I have looked at advice from many different sources on preparing for this or any calamitous possibility.
I can only advise that you do the same. There are many sites on the web that offer advice. Survival Blog is one of the best for my purposes.

From a financial stand point I am staying as liquid (cash on hand) as I can, paying off my debts and stocking up on items I feel my family will need.

I can not, nor will I give direct advice about preparation for a possible bad time to come, except to say look at your own situation search your heart and decide what YOU SHOULD DO FOR YOU AND YOUR FAMILY.

I hope it never happens (like Y2K). I hope that in the end I will have some cash saved, some debt’s paid off sooner than expected, and a full pantry.


Monday, June 9, 2008

The past and the future

I was speeking to a friend today on the phone, she reminded me of a incedent that occured years ago. It was at a party where my friend (who is a woman) had passed out in a back bed room. We were all setting around drinking beer and talking loudly.
I noticed that one member of our little band was missing.
It didnt take long to put two and two together. I made my way to the back of the house and there was a guy I will call "C". C was atempting to get it on with my friend who was passed out in in the bed. I didn't even stop to wonder about what I was looking at. I grabed C and tossed him out of the room and I think the house.

She has always rememberd that about me. I hadn't thought about in years.
C didn't make it, he is rommored to have died back in the late 80's from a drug over dose.

I think about the teenagers I know, more than a few seem to be better off than we were at their age. Then I realize that it's all the same just diffrent issues.
They take risks just like we did. We just see the end results on news and it's all old news now. We (ME) are numb we are desensetised to the things going on in our world.

The dance didnt change just the music.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Not Just High Gasoline Prices Folks

It’s not just a matter of the price of gas.
Some days ago I read a blog where the writer was saying that people should just get used to the higher price of oil. So what if it cost’s $25.00 dollars more to go see grandma.
I believe a lot of people are missing the point about how deeply the price of oil is going to change our lives.
Gasoline is only a small portion of what petroleum is used for.
There is nothing that you use as a rule that is not connected with oil. From the food that you buy to the medicine you get at the pharmacy. Every modern thing we as Americans have taken for granted is based on petroleum.
As the price of Oil increases so will the cost of not only transportation of items made with oil but the price of manufacturing these items. Items such as paint, glue, solvents, chemicals, plastic, rubber, fertilizer, and bug spray, as example.
If it is part of our everyday life in the United States it’s based on oil.
Get ready folks we are all in for a wild time.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Hurt at work again

Well I am out of work on the injured list again for a while. I don't know when I will get back to work.
The doctor seems to think I have a messed up knee. So how did I mess up my knee?
Well here's my RANT!!!!!

I hate CRACK HEADS!!!!!!
Cocaine in all it's forms out side of legitimate medicine is pure evil. All those who deal it and use it are touched by it's evil. I don't care if it's just a weekend recreational thing or a full blown everyday user. They are all part of a trail of evil, death and destruction. Each and every person who buys or sells cocaine is just as guilty as the next.
Cocaine's trail of death starts in South America and works it's way to the streets and bar's of our towns and city's. Each step of its journey leaves a victim. That list of victims includes the RAIN FOREST where the forest is cut down to grow the coca plants and the toxic run off of chemicals used to make the drug kills its streams and rivers.
The people who live in the growing region suffer under the rule of dealers and growers and guerrilla fighters who fund groups with money from the sale of drugs.
Then there are the people who suffer under corrupt government officials in these countries. There are police men and solders who die each day in these places fighting against this drug. When you get to the U.S. the list gets more personal.
Our society pays a price for each time a drug user is jailed, hospitalized, each time a child is taken from a addicted parent. Day after day men and women fall victim to cocaine. Some cocaine users will die slowly over time others crash and burn an a few weeks. Cocaine kills it's older users by trashing their vascular systems with heart attacks. Young women are seduced by the drug and some end up selling there bodies to anyone for a chance to take one more hit. If the drug doesn't kill them then HIV/AIDS will. The cost of this drug to our nation in lives, property and resource's is enormous.

No one is unaffected and anyone who touches cocaine to use or sell are complicit in it's evil.
They are just as guilty of death and destruction as ALL of the others in the chain of evil it took to put the cocaine in their hand. From the manufacturer who cut and poisoned the forest to the dealer who shot the Police Officer. Each time they use cocaine they have pulled the trigger on a victim they will never know.

I was chaseing a CRACK HEAD--- thats how I hurt my knee.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Sign of the times

I was advised of a group of individuals who may have been casing a local car dealership in order to steal the cars.
It worked like this. Six or more Black males dressed well, enter a car dealership. They wonder around the show room and front car lot distracting the staff. One at a time individuals from the group will attempt to locate keys to the cars on the lot.
Most dealer-ships have inventory keys and keys to new test drive vehicles somewhere in the showroom area.
These suspects tried one at a time to gain entry to the area where the keys were stored when they were able to narrow down where they were kept.
A staff member at this local dealership who worked in the administrative area where the keys are kept had to ask several of this group’s members to leave the office area. Finally after members of this group tried to gain entry into the administrative area time after time, a staff member advised them that they needed to either talk to a sales person or leave. They left. A report was made.
My guess is that they were a chop shop crew.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Sorry folks it's been busy out there.
I have to tell you that the state of the world at large leaves me feeling like I am watching a slow motion crash. The economy,war, bird flu, food shortage, gas prices, crime, global warming.
Have I left anything out? Oh yes the nagging feeling I left something turned on in the house.
So what can we do about these problems? As an individual it's hard to see any hope of effecting such big problems. So why worry about it? Well it's because someone cares about you. When I say worry I mean do what you can. Save money, drive less, write your congressman and senator.
Take care of your self, eat right don't waste food. Stay informed about the world. The best way to take these problems down is by keeping your self informed.
Strife and turmoil seem to be humanity's favorite past time. The old saying that a journey of a thousand miles starts with the first step is true. To change a world you have to start with yourself.
The world that you knew is slipping away every moment of everyday. Change is creeping in like a tide. Stay informed watch the signs and you will be on the high ground when the water comes in.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

More words from the past

"As night does not come at once, neither doesoppression. In both instances, there is a twilightwhen everything remains unchanged. And it is in thattwilight that we must be most aware of the change inthe air, however slight; lest we become unwittingvictims of the darkness." -US Supreme Court Justice William O. Douglas

Words from the past

"No man is above the law, and no man is below it; nor do we ask any man's permission when we require him to obey it. Obedience to the law is demanded as a right; not asked for as a favor." -Theodore Roosevelt

Friday, March 28, 2008

The last pizza

I had my last pizza for tonight. Well maybe not my last but for a while. I start a new day tomorrow. It's back to the gym working out and food that's better for me. I just had to have that last pizza. I Gave up smoking sometime ago.I Gave up beer, regular coffee, sugar of any kind. I never drank a lot of soda so no big deal there. I should tell you that I really started on March the 2nd with all the healthy stuff but I just had to have a pizza. So I made a deal with my demons
(and of course they were willing to please) and got one. It was only on the condition that I would not have any more pizza for at least 90 days. Right now that's not so hard to do, I feel like I swallowed a foot ball.
I am sure I will have bad dreams to-night. Ones with big headed politician's waving Papa Johns boxes like weird strippers or being chased by a big peperoni. Sort of like that dream I had about the 600 buck's the Government is giving up. I had dreams about a new wide screen a new pistol and a trip. In the morning I knew it's going to go to pay bills. Thanks Uncle Sam for the tease. I wonder if I should make a deal about a gallon of Briers Rocky Road?

Now What?

Well how to start? I guess it's best to say that I will be posting about anything and everything going on in our world. It could be about me sometimes sometimes about the rest of you.
Which ever it is I will try to be open and fair and above all listen.
I don't have much today at the moment. I guess you could say that I am tired from working two 14 hr days in a row. So maybe after dinner?